CFM invests in Quelimane port rehabilitation

The publicly-owned company Ports and Railways of Mozambique (CFM) has invested about US$2.75 million to rehabilitate the port of Quelimane, in the central province of Zambezia.

Aug 22, 2022 - 20:23
Aug 22, 2022 - 22:07
CFM invests in Quelimane port rehabilitation

The investment includes the dredging the approach channel by the publicly owned Mozambican Dredging Company (EMODRAGA).

The port infrastructure, with capacity to handle about 650,000 tons of goods per year, has a quay 230 meters long and occupies an area of 48,000 square meters, of which 31,000 square meters is open storage and 5,417 square meters covered.

The Chairperson of the CFM Board of Directors, Miguel Matabele announced the rehabilitation at a Quelimane press conference held on Thursday.

“The route to the port of Quelimane, from the bar, is made along a perfectly marked channel which allows navigation 24 hour a day due to the lighting system installed along the route. The reopening of the Quelimane Port results from the most recent dredging, financed by CFM”, Matabele said.

Addressing Zambezia businessmen, Matabele said that it is crucial to give a greater robustness to this rail-port infrastructure through an increase in the volume of cargo to make the port increasingly attractive and competitive.

“We want shipping agents and other stakeholders to strengthen partnerships with their foreign counterparts on the conditions available to receive general cargo ships, tankers and barges with a capacity of up to 20,000 tons and 150 meters in length”, he said.