China to reduce tariffs for mozambican products

Some of Mozambique's exports to China will soon have a significant reduction in tariffs, under an Agreement on Preferential Treatment for Goods Originating in Mozambique, signed between the two countries.

May 9, 2023 - 15:44
China to reduce tariffs for mozambican products
Mozambique's exports

According to Maria Gustava, Mozambique's ambassador to China, cited in Monday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Notícias”, the agreement provides for the national products in question to enter the Chinese market with a 98 percent reduction in unpaid duties.

“The final details are missing for its implementation, but the agreement is very important as it guarantees that Mozambican products enter the Chinese market with ease. Right now, we are working on the phytosanitary aspects and the registration of companies that can export to China,' she said.

The diplomat explained that Mozambique exports wood, fish products, minerals (titanium) and oilseeds to China.

In turn, Mozambique imports from China machinery, manufactured products, and construction equipment, among others.

She noted that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many Mozambicans who bought products in China to resell in the country had to stop, but with the reopening of the Asian nation, hopes were reborn and some have already resumed their trips.

“We want more investment in industry, especially in agro-processing and minerals, because that creates jobs. We also need investment in infrastructure, and human resource development. This is the message we have been giving to our Chinese counterparts”, Maria Gustava explained.