CIP believes that PGR faces obstacle to remove Mozambique from “grey list”

(AIM) – The Mozambican anti-corruption NGO, the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), believes that the Attorney-General’s Office (PGR) is facing obstacles, in terms of investigation of cases of money laundering, to remove the country from the “grey list” of the Financial Action Group (FATF).

Jun 22, 2023 - 17:36
Jun 22, 2023 - 19:38
CIP believes that PGR faces obstacle to remove Mozambique from “grey list”
“grey list”

 “It is within the power of the Public Prosecutor's Office to investigate the acts suspected of constituting money laundering crimes. However, this body has been experiencing difficulties in terms of investigating this type of crime, mainly in technical terms”, read a document published by CIP, which assesses Mozambique's efforts to get off the “grey list.”


Mozambique was placed on the “grey list” of the FATF in October 2022, after institutional weaknesses were detected in mechanisms to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.


However, the Government approved a Strategy for the Removal of Mozambique from the “grey list” (2022 – 2024) in December last year, accompanied by a plan of activities for the implementation of the measures proposed by FATF.


According to CIP, out of a total of 112 cases investigated between 2014 and 2023, only 42 cases led to charges, which is a percentage of 37.5%.


“These figures show that there are deficiencies with regard to the investigation of registered money laundering cases, which is reflected in the low number of cases that end with prosecution”, says the organization.


 While admitting the existence of legal reforms to take the country out of the "grey list", the NGO believes that there are still weaknesses in the application of laws.


“Without the investigation and accountability component, the country will hardly get off the grey list in two years, which is the time the Government has proposed to take the country off the list”, reads the NGO's document.


In February this year, the World Bank warned the Mozambican authorities of difficulties in accessing markets due to the country's placement on the international "grey list" of countries at risk of money laundering and terrorism financing.


“Getting off the list is necessary to promote access to international financial markets, to continue to attract foreign investment and participate in international trade”, Julian Casal, the World Bank's financial sector specialist, said at the time.