MOZAMBIQUE: Totalenergies says work is underway to decide on resumption of LNG project

The managing director of the Mozambique LNG project, underway in the Afungi peninsula in the northern province of Cabo Delgado says that his company is already assessing the possibility of resuming its activities.

Sep 16, 2022 - 19:08
MOZAMBIQUE: Totalenergies says work is underway to decide on resumption of LNG project

TotalEnergies suspended the projects last year following a terrorist attack against the town of Palma on 24 March, which left over a dozen people killed, while many others fled the region to seek refuge in safer places.

Stephane Le-Galles, who was speaking on a panel during the 7th Mozambican Gas and Energy Summit and Exhibition that kicked off this Wednesday in Maputo, said TotalEnergies is working closely with the Mozambican government, civil society organisations and partners, to overcome current challenges.

'Despite having declared Force Majeure there are ongoing efforts to decide on resumption. We have to assume that it is difficult to operate in a troubled environment,' said the managing director of one of the largest gas exploration projects in Africa.

According to TotalEnergies, despite the suspension of its activities in Afungi, the oil company maintains its vision for development in Mozambique, being based on ensuring the connection between resource exploration, development of local content and industrialisation of the country, looking at the enormous energy potential offered by Mozambique.

The source acknowledged current challenges in the supply and demand of energy around the world, and points Mozambique as one of the countries and a global partner that could help to reverse the current scenario.

He gave a positive note to the government and all stakeholders in the industry, who are working together in an environment of collaboration, determination and ambition in order to improve socio-economic development.

For his part, the managing director of ExxonMobil, concessionaire of Area 4, Jos Evens, said its partners are optimising development plans and deciding key steps to make the Final Investment Decision that will indicate the start of the project.

According to Evens, the discovery of huge natural gas deposits in Cabo Delgado has the potential to transform Mozambique, paving the way for the country to become a leading regional LNG exporter and a major global energy player.

'We are working together with partners to make Area 4 more flexible. We are doing a full risk assessment and monitoring the conflict situation in Cabo Delgado,' the source said.

ExxonMobil understands that security is a fundamental factor for the materialisation of the projects in the Rovuma basin, besides other elements under analysis, the security environment will always be determinant.

The source stressed the objective of the oil company to lead the energy transition process in Mozambique, through a joint work to ensure success.