Over a million passengers used Maputo International Airport from January to December

Maputo International Airport (AIM) recorded a significant milestone in national air traffic, with 1,005,369 passengers using the airport facilities from January 1st to December 18th of this year.

Dec 28, 2023 - 17:22
Jun 20, 2024 - 12:06
Over a million passengers used Maputo International Airport from January to December
Over a million passengers used Maputo International Airport from January to December
Over a million passengers used Maputo International Airport from January to December
Over a million passengers used Maputo International Airport from January to December

This achievement was announced by José Candrinho, Director of Operations at Aeroportos de Moçambique, during a press conference held today in Maputo. 

"Today we mark this milestone, passenger one million. It is something of great importance to us because the last time we reached this figure was before the Covid pandemic," he said. 

AIM reached this milestone at a time when projections indicated that this number would only be achievable next year or later. 

"All international and national projections indicated that a return to pre-Covid traffic levels would materialize from 2024/25, but we managed to reach this figure in the year 2023," Candrinho stated. According to him, the growth in air traffic and the entry of new airlines resulted from investments made by AIM in infrastructure, boarding points, and necessary conveniences for passengers. 

"All this resulted in increased frequency of flights, entry of new airlines, and in October, the new airline FlySafair began operations. LAM also started flying to Lisbon," he said.

The figure of one million passengers reflects a return to pre-pandemic traffic levels and places AIM among the major airports in Africa with traffic exceeding one million passengers.