Terrorists strike near Ruby Mines

The gemstone mining company Gemfields, which owns 75 per cent of Montepuez Ruby Mining (MRM), in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, has reported a terrorist attack just 30 kilometres from MRM’s mining operations.

Jul 23, 2022 - 19:02
Terrorists strike near Ruby Mines
Montepuez Ruby Mining

The attack took place near the village of Muaja, in Ancuabe district, and prompted a flight of frightened villagers to Nanhupo and Namanhumbir, in Montepuez distrit, where the company’s main operations are located.

“Gemfields and MRM hold the health and safety of their employees and contractors as their highest priority and remain in regular contact with government authorities as well as closely monitoring developments”, said a release published on the Gemfields website. “Given recent developments and the associated security review, operations continue with increased vigilance”.

The release gave no details of the attack, and it is not yet known whether anybody was killed or injured in the terrorist raid.

This is the second attack near the ruby mines. Last week jihadists beheaded three artisanal miners in Nacaca, in Montepuez district, activating the sirens installed by MRM to warn of a terrorist approach.

According to a report in Thursday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Carta de Mocambique”, the defence and security forces have asked the population of Namanhumbir and Muaja to evacuate their farming areas temporarily.

This seems to be in preparation for a military operation against jihadist camps in the area.