377 million dollars available to speed energy access in Mozambique

Maputo, 20 Jun (AIM) – The Mozambican government has 377 million dollars available to increase the rate of access to electricity from 49 percent to 64 percent of the population by 2024, in the context of the Energy for All Programme (ProEnergia).

Jun 22, 2023 - 17:14
Jun 22, 2023 - 17:16
377 million dollars available to speed energy access in Mozambique

 The program aims to ensure universal access to electricity by 2030.


According to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Carlos Zacarias, speaking on Monday in Maputo during the annual meeting of the Energy Sector Working Group (ESWG), good relations between Mozambique and its partners have facilitated the achievement of the electrification targets set by the government.


“The commitment of partners to our cause has allowed us to electrify the most remote areas of our country and promote clean energy in the context of energy transition”, the minister said, explaining that the amount corresponds to the second phase of ProEnergia.


For the first phase, Mozambique received financing of 152 million dollars that allowed establishing new connections and increasing the electrification rate from 35% in 2019 to the current 49%.


The minister also praised the approval of the Electricity Law that will allow an increase in electricity production in the order of 600 megawatts.


“In 2022, the new Electricity Act was passed as part of efforts to create an attractive legal framework for new entrants. This new regulatory framework gives room for, among others, private actors to contribute to raise the power generation capacity by 600 MW in the present governance cycle, of which 200 MW will come from renewable sources”, Zacarias said.


ProEnergia is funded by the Mozambican government, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and the European Union.


The Energy Sector Working Group meeting aims to assess the level of implementation of cooperation programmes in the energy sector.