Direct flights from Maputo to Cape Town announced

The South African-based airline Airlink has announced that at the end of August it will launch its first direct flights between Maputo and the city of Cape Town.

Aug 2, 2022 - 15:55
Aug 2, 2022 - 16:21
Direct flights from Maputo to Cape Town announced

According to Airlink’s chief executive, Rodger Foster, “Airlink is responding to the call of the travelling market for a direct service between the two coastal cities, which are also growing important centres of economic activity, including trade and tourism”.

He added that “by flying direct, instead of via Johannesburg, we will more than halve the door-to-door travelling time, putting more hours back in our customers’ hands to do business and to enjoy the variety of activities, attractions, food and culture that Maputo offers”.

Airlink will use its 37-seat Embraer 135 jets for the service, which will initially operate three times a week. The flights will depart from Cape Town at 17.10 and arrive in Maputo at 19.40, returning the next day at 6.10.

The company is the largest regional airline in southern Africa and currently provides flights from Johannesburg to Maputo, Beira, Nampula, Pemba, Tete and Vilanculos (which Airlink also serves directly from Mbombela/Nelspruit).

This will add to the growing number of regional flights. In early July, the Rwandan national airline, RwandAir, announced that it will begin operating direct flights between Maputo and Kigali in August.