Electricity arrives in Mavodze

(AIM) – Mozambique’s publicly-owned electricity company, EDM, announced on Monday that it has connected the Mavodze administrative post, in Massingir district, in the southern province of Gaza, to the national grid.

Jul 5, 2023 - 15:38
Jul 5, 2023 - 16:58
Electricity arrives in Mavodze
Electricity arrives in Mavodze

According to an EDM press release, extending the grid to Mavodze cost 54 million meticais(about 844,000 US dollars, at the current exchange rate), entirely financed out of the Mozambican state budget.

The work consisted of building 32 kilometres of 33 kv medium voltage transmission line from Massingir town to Mavodze. Four 100 kVa transformer posts were installed, and 90 lampposts for public lighting. This ensured that, in the initial phase, 500 consumers were immediately connected to the grid.

With the electrification of Mavodze, said an EDM press release, the number of administrative pasts in Gaza that have access to electricity has risen to 41. There are just four more administrative posts in Gaza to be connected to the grid.

So far this year, five administrative posts have been electrified across the country. EDM expects that shortly all 135 administrative posts will be electrified.

With the new connections, the rate of domestic access of the population to electricity has risen to 49.5 per cent (including households connected to the grid, and those relying on off-grid systems).