Angolan drug trafficker arrested

The Mozambican authorities have arrested a 37 year old Angolan man at Maputo International Airport on charges of drug trafficking, according to the Criminal Investigation Service (Sernic), cited by the independent daily “O Pais”.

Aug 8, 2022 - 16:53
Angolan drug trafficker arrested
Drug trafficking

Sernic said the individual, who was not named, had travelled from Brazil via Qatar, and was arrested on Thursday, when he disembarked from a flight of Qatar Airways. He was taken to Maputo Central Hospital, where 38 capsules of cocaine were found in his stomach.

Sernic spokesperson Hilario Lole said the contents of the capsules were subjected to laboratory analysis and were found to consist of cocaine. The ultimate destination of the drug is unknown.

Presented to reporters, the Angolan refused to make any comment about the accusations against him.

He is the fourth drug trafficker arrested at Maputo airport so far this year.

Police spokesperson Leonel Muchina declared “We are making joint efforts to dismantle any attempt at international drug trafficking”.