Quelimane: A municipality managed "Online" by an absent "Mané"

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) cut off the power supply to the traffic lights in Quelimane because they were unable to locate the mayor, Manuel Araújo, for negotiations. The mayor acknowledged in an interview with our newsroom that accidents and fatalities might be occurring in the city due to this situation.

Jul 4, 2024 - 17:35
Quelimane: A municipality managed "Online" by an absent "Mané"

It has been several months since EDM interrupted the electricity supply to the traffic lights in Quelimane. Recently, the city's mayor told TORRE.News that the cut was made without any prior notice.

He added that currently, because the city operates without traffic lights, there is an imminent risk of accidents, and there are already reports of recurring accidents resulting in minor and serious injuries, as well as significant damage caused by the traffic light blackout.

Belmiro Mateus, EDM’s commercial director, explained to TORRE.News that the power cut to the city’s traffic lights was due to a debt the municipality owes the company.

According to Mateus, EDM sent prior communication letters to the municipality but received no response. Ultimately, EDM representatives traveled to Quelimane to meet with the municipality to find a solution, but the mayor was absent as usual.

“We also tried a virtual meeting to discuss the issue with the municipality before cutting the power, but the mayor did not join the meeting; only the councilor was present,” said Mateus.

This implies that the blackout problem may be attributed to the mayor's absence, which prevented a meeting between EDM and the municipality to resolve the issue.

EDM's commercial director also mentioned that similar power cuts due to debts occurred in the city of Tete, where the municipality opted for the CREDELEC service, which operates on a pre-paid system.

Politically, Manuel de Araújo’s absence from the municipality has already led to the postponement of the 2nd Session of the Municipal Assembly twice because he was not present.

The first postponement was on May 28, rescheduled for June 14, but it was postponed again and finally held on July 4, 38 days later.

During the second postponement, according to TORRE.News, Manuel de Araújo was in Brazil. The local newspaper Diário Zambeze noted that this is not the first time the Municipal Assembly of Quelimane has postponed an ordinary session due to the mayor's frequent travels.

In the days leading up to this session, Manuel de Araújo was again absent from the municipality. On June 27, he was flying from São Paulo, Brazil, to Lisbon, Portugal.

Within the party, a group of Renamo supporters organized a march to celebrate Manuel de Araújo's candidacy for Governor of Zambézia in the upcoming October 9 elections, but, as usual, Araújo was not present at the march held in his honor.

Quelimane residents express growing frustration with their mayor's absence. On social media and in casual conversations, there are criticisms about the municipality's stagnation and the lack of attention to local issues.

Rocha Mario Augusto commented on one of Araújo's Facebook posts: "The man who travels the most and works the least.”

Another resident, Arnaldo Truzao, wrote: "Mr. President Manuel de Araújo, the people fought for you to be in power, but you are not respecting the people's needs. Try to spend some time in Quelimane. Organize our city; we are not concerned with seeing foreigners.”

In another post featuring Araújo greeting Pope Francis, Selox Parruque commented: "Brother Mané, you deserve to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.”

TORRE.News understands that after opening the 2nd Session of the Municipal Assembly, Manuel de Araújo was expected to visit some ongoing construction projects in the municipality.

However, Quelimane was one of 100 cities selected to receive funding and technical assistance to stimulate a wave of youth-driven climate action.

These are the gains presented by the mayor as a result of his constant travels abroad. As part of this program, Quelimane Municipality will receive USD 50,000 to distribute as micro-grants to fund a wave of youth-led climate initiatives.