Terrorists Attack National Troops' Positions, Killing 25 Soldiers

In a sudden onslaught, terrorists targeted a military position in the village of Mucojo, Macomia district, on Saturday, resulting in the death of 25 soldiers from the Defense and Security Forces (FDS).

Feb 13, 2024 - 16:11
Jun 5, 2024 - 11:14
Terrorists Attack National Troops' Positions, Killing 25 Soldiers

Following the massacre, the terrorists seized the military's uniforms and weapons, and piled the bodies in a specified location. The attack was confirmed by the District Administrator of Macomia, Tomás Bandae, who provided limited details, merely acknowledging the terrorists' capture of the military position in Mucojo. The current status of the terrorists, whether they remain at the site or have since departed, is uncertain due to disrupted communication between Macomia and Mucojo. 

"Yes, there was an attack on a military position. The terrorists indeed took over the military position; they stormed it, and we currently lack information on whether they are still there or have left. We have no information," said Tomás Bandae, the Administrator of Macomia, to the press.

 TORRE.news reported on February 1st of this year that insurgents were attempting to establish an Islamic caliphate along the coastal area of Macomia in Mucojo. At the time, it was reported that in their new movements in the northern region of Cabo Delgado, they were trying to establish an Islamic caliphate in the village of Mucojo, situated on the coast of the Macomia district, a stronghold of the terrorists since October 2017.

 The strategically located village, near the village of Pangane, is referred to by the insurgents as the Medina of Mozambique, or the second holiest site in Islam after Mecca, according to Zitamar.

 The insurgents, who have occupied the village since early January, have imposed a strict interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia, on the residents. Under their rule, local communities are forbidden from certain hairstyles, selling alcohol, wearing tight pants, while being encouraged to partake in daily prayers at mosques.

Since the emergence of the terrorists in Cabo Delgado, there had been no significant attempt to establish a traditional Islamic state or caliphate, even in Mocímboa da Praia, which the insurgents occupied for a year between August 2020 and August 2021, little effort was made to introduce Islamic governance as the city was deserted by civilians.

However, in a surprising turn of events, the insurgents now seek to govern a population along the coast of Macomia in Mucojo.

In recent days, Cabo Delgado, after a period of relative calm, has witnessed a resurgence of terrorist attacks. Paradoxically, there are also reports that TotalEnergies is conducting operations in Afungi as part of the Mozambique LNG project, which was suspended two years ago due to security concerns.