Beira's Mayor Albano Carige Appoints New Councilors with Strict Performance Warning

In a decisive move to shape the future of Beira, Mayor Albano Carige, elected in the October 11th municipal elections, has appointed new councilors and directors across various departments. With a firm warning, he stated that immediate dismissal awaits any appointee who fails to meet their set objectives.

Feb 13, 2024 - 16:08
Jun 5, 2024 - 11:24
Beira's Mayor Albano Carige Appoints New Councilors with Strict Performance Warning

During the swearing-in ceremony on Saturday, Mayor Carige emphasized his trust in the newly appointed officials, cautioning that their tenure is contingent on performance. "This appointment is not based on friendship or affiliations; it is based on trust. Anyone found lacking will be removed just as they were appointed today," he declared.

The mayor has placed ten councilors in charge of implementing the Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (MDM) manifesto and his vision for the municipality. Carige demanded commitment and daily activity plans from the new leaders to enhance Beira's residents' quality of life amidst various challenges facing the municipality. 

Carige's stern approach also hints at further changes within the city's administration, indicating that directors and heads from the previous leadership are yet to be evaluated. "We're not done yet. There are more changes to come in the directorates and administrative posts," he warned, giving a 100-day deadline for the officials to prove their worthiness.

This decisive stance underscores Mayor Carige's readiness to exercise his authority to appoint and dismiss officials as necessary, aiming to ensure that his team is fully committed to Beira's development. Reflecting on his previous term, Carige expressed frustration at having to undertake tasks himself due to some officials' lack of diligence.

Beira stands as one of the five municipalities under opposition governance following the contentious October elections. The MDM's victory in Beira, under Carige's leadership, marked a significant win for the opposition in the first round of voting, amidst widespread disputes over the election results that initially favored Frelimo in 64 out of 65 municipalities.  

Following appeals and public demonstrations, the Constitutional Council reassigned four municipalities to Renamo, highlighting the turbulent electoral landscape in Mozambique.