Renamo president Ossufo Momade warns mayors to be vigilant of chaos created by Frelimo government

Renamo president, Ossufo Momade, has advised mayors from his party to be vigilant of the chaos that the Frelimo government might create in territories to be administered by the opposition.

Jan 31, 2024 - 17:17
Jun 10, 2024 - 12:59
Renamo president Ossufo Momade warns mayors to be vigilant of chaos created by Frelimo government

Momade emphasized that Renamo-elected mayors should commit to transforming Mozambican cities into urban centers of the future, offering a high quality of life to their citizens.

"We have prepared our mayors to deal with social and political adversities, often imposed by the regime, which has hindered and created chaos in municipal administration in municipalities won by opposition parties," warned the Renamo leader in a message posted on his Facebook page.

"We encourage the elected mayors to remain steadfast and confident in our manifestos, with the ultimate goal of serving the citizens through participative, coherent, honest, and innovative governance," he stated, speaking after a meeting with party mayors elected in the local elections of October 11.

In the meeting, the Renamo president and the new municipal leaders of the party also discussed the organization of councils and departments, and the reinforcement of activities and joint work. 

Renamo has repeatedly accused the Frelimo government of preventing the central government from transferring funds to opposition municipalities, preferring instead to allocate resources to territories managed by the ruling party's mayors.