District electon chairpersons take Office

The chairperson of the Maputo City Provincial Elections Commission, Ana Chemane, on Tuesday urged the chairpersons of the city’s seven district elections commissions (CDEs) to refrain from party political activities.

Jul 6, 2022 - 15:29
District electon chairpersons take Office

Speaking at a ceremony where the seven chairpersons took office, she said that by refusing to take part in any party political disputes, these officials would help prevent conflicts and bring credibility to the municipal elections to be held in October 2023, and the general elections scheduled for 2024.

Chemane urged the CDE chairpersons to work as a team, and to value the experience and capacity of each member of the commissions.

“You should work together for the success of the elections, in an environment of peace, harmony, tolerance, professionalism and patriotism, so as to strengthen the credibility of the elections”, she urged.

Their responsibilities, she said, included creating a working environment with equal opportunities for the competing parties and candidates. It was the Mozambican people who had the right to exercise its sovereignty, and freely choose the members of the municipal bodies to be elected.

The CDEs, Chemane insisted, must work in strict obedience to the law. “Election management is based on the Constitution and other laws of the Republic of Mozambique, and on the decisions, instructions and dispatches of the National Elections Commission (CNE). That means you must act on the basis of the law”.

This ceremony concludes the establishment of the CNE’s support bodies in the Maputo City municipal districts, thus laying the ground for next year’s elections.
