Fake iphone factory dismantled in Maputo

A multi-sectoral team on Friday dismantled an illegal fake iPhone factory in the Mozambican capital Maputo city, where they seized 1,165 counterfeit handsets.

Oct 31, 2022 - 15:32
Fake iphone factory dismantled in Maputo
Fake iphone factory

The factory was able to perform complex technical procedures, such as assembly, assignment of IMEI numbers, which facilitates device validity identification. At the site the authorities also seized various materials used by the suspects to carry out their activities.

Cited in the independent daily online “O Pais”, the director of Customs Operations, Gino Jone, said the operation to dismantle was the result of a tip-off.

'We received a complaint that raised our suspicions, so we activated our operational lines to find out the truth and after three weeks of investigation we discovered this factory, where we seized 1,165 boxes of iPhone mobile phones”, explained Jone, adding that 'they have a shop in Alto Maé neighbourhood.

Jone added that there are also suspicions that some mobile phones may have been stolen.

'These mobile phones were imported without a license from the National Institute of Communications of Mozambique and much less customs declaration. Therefore, we are also dealing with smuggling, because there is no document that justifies the importation and sale of these mobile phones on the market,' explained Jone.

He added that the Mozambican National Communications Institute (INCM), the telecommunications regulatory authority, tried to trace the devices, but without success.

'The colleagues from INCM did some tests on the devices to detect the frequency of these mobile phones, but failed.
The owners of the illegal factory, two Chinese nationals, denied all the accusations of any illegal activity. They claim to be running a legal operation.

“We have everything, and we have proved it. So, what they are doing is not normal”, said one of the owners.

Asked the documents about their operations, he said “they took all the documents with them. I'm not going to say anything more.

The illegal goods, according to Mozambican Customs, will be handed over to the Attorney General's Office for subsequent steps, while the two suspects will face the Mozambican justice.

The multisectoral team that dismantled the factory included members of the Mozambican Police, National Criminal Investigation Service, National Institute of Communications of Mozambique, National Inspection of Economic Activities and Customs.