India will cooperate in strategic areas

India intends to continue cooperating with Mozambique, in “strategic areas”, including the fight against terrorism, pledged Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Friday after a courtesy meeting in Maputo with President Filipe Nyusi.

Apr 18, 2023 - 16:40
Apr 18, 2023 - 17:37
India will cooperate in strategic areas
India cooperate

Jaishankar told reporters that his discussions with Nyusi “focused mainly on our bilateral relations. India is an important development partner of Mozambique. The President was very happy with the projects that we have implemented, including in railways, agriculture and electricity. So we had talks about how to expand our development cooperation”.

He said he told Nyusi that “we will embrace whatever the government of Mozambique regards as priority areas”.

“Today we believe that, after Covid-19, health is a priority and so is water supply. But the great priority is electricity. These are the same challenges that we have in India”, said Jaishankar.

Among the other strategic areas, he listed the fight against terrorism in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, but gave no details as to how India might contribute to the fight against the jihadists.

His Mozambican counterpart, Veronica Macamo, said that India will support Mozambique in building more hospitals in the districts, and in training medical staff.