Internal political situation in Renamo contributed to calm and orderly inauguration in Nacala

The inauguration ceremony for the new mayor in the municipality of Nacala Porto proceeded calmly and orderly, contrary to predictions of escalating violence due to the contentious atmosphere that characterized the entire electoral process, marked by shootings, physical assaults, and violent contestation of results in the city.

Feb 8, 2024 - 23:13
Jun 5, 2024 - 14:08
Internal political situation in Renamo contributed to calm and orderly inauguration in Nacala

However, the ceremony for the new mayor of the port city, the former president and head of the list for Renamo, the main opposition party, Raúl Novinte, voluntarily and peacefully handed over the city keys to his successor, the head of the list for Frelimo, the ruling party, Faruk Nuro Momade, who won the local municipalities in a highly contested election by the opposition. 

The peace and order that marked all moments, from the installation of the new municipal bodies to the inauguration of the newly elected mayor, is associated with the current political situation within Renamo marked by internal divergences, where the former mayor, Raúl Novinte, clashed with the top leadership of his party and thereafter adopted a less demanding position on the electoral results he had been contesting through marches. 

In a ceremony led by the District Judge of Nacala and witnessed by the Minister of National Defense, Cristóvão Chume, Raúl Novinte delivered a reconciliatory and conformist speech, appealing for peace and peaceful political coexistence in Nacala, a stance contrary to what he had always defended since the announcement of the results giving victory to Frelimo and Faruk Nuro Momade. 

"Today is a historic day for all of us, as we witness the transition of leadership in municipal management. As a president in frank cessation, I feel honored to speak at this significant moment full of memories. As I pass the baton to the next president, here by my side, I have confidence in his ability to lead," said the outgoing mayor. 

Novinte, contrary to his incendiary characteristic, wished Faruk Nuro Momade luck in his new journey as the helmsman of the Nacala Porto municipality and asked all Nacalans, including those of the same political orientation as his, to provide full support to the new mayor to have the strength to face the challenges presented and perhaps take advantage of the opportunities that arise and apply them to the service of development. 

Justifying his current stance to Renamo members and supporters, labeled as demanding, through a message more directed at his party, Novinte reiterated that he does not agree with the electoral results of the last election, but that responsibility should be attributed to the Renamo leadership that defends and collaborates with what he called an anti-democratic state model.

"As your son, I, Raúl Novinte, did everything by your side to restore the truth, but there are issues that depend not only on me, a mere head of the list, susceptible to detentions and limitation of his freedoms, as everyone saw. There are those in Renamo who defend and collaborate with this," he emphasized. 

It is worth noting that Novinte was the first senior Renamo official to publicly support Venâncio Mondlane's intention to run for the presidency of Renamo at the next congress, a fact seen as a challenge to Ossufo Momade and a break with the wing that supports the leader of that political formation. 

In turn, during his inauguration speech, Faruk Nuro promised not to disappoint the citizens who placed their trust in him and his party, assuring that he will be the president of all Nacalans and will work tirelessly and fearlessly to achieve the objectives outlined in his manifesto. 

"Our determination to transform the municipality into a development center is irreversible. We will promote more inclusion, bringing the citizens to the center of governance," he said.

The formal act that culminated in the inauguration of the head of the list for Frelimo marks the end of a chaotic political atmosphere that lasted about four months in Nacala, from the start of the electoral campaign in September to the repeat voting at some tables on December 10, 2023.