New Labour Law: Highlights include introduction of telework and extension of maternity leave to 90 Days

After a journey marked by hesitations, advances, and setbacks, Law 13/2023, dated August 25, the latest Labour Law, was finally promulgated, marking a new chapter in labor relations in Mozambique.

Feb 22, 2024 - 18:32
May 29, 2024 - 23:10
New Labour Law: Highlights include introduction of telework and extension of maternity leave to 90 Days

This legislation, reflecting the social and work changes of recent years, comes into effect with the intention of harmonizing the dynamics of labor relations with contemporary reality.


Among the novelties of the legal text, the introduction of contractual modalities adapted to the new digital era and the flexibility demanded by the market stands out, such as the contract for telework. This recognizes and regulates work performed at a distance, responding legislatively to the needs imposed by technological evolution and current social circumstances.


Another significant point is the extension of maternity leave to 90 days, a measure aimed at reinforcing the protection of maternity and the family, ensuring a fairer balance between professional and family life. This legislative progress represents a significant social advancement, promoting the well-being of female workers and newborns.


The new Labour Law also addresses in detail other important aspects of labor relations, such as intermittent work contracts, thus adjusting to the market's need for flexibility without neglecting worker protection.


At the promulgation ceremony, Rolinho Farnela, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Security, emphasized the importance of the peaceful and harmonious implementation of the new legislation, highlighting the consensus reached between employers and workers. This consensus was praised by union representatives and the business confederation, who see in Law 13/2023 a vital instrument to energize labor relations and promote a more fair work environment adapted to current challenges.


With the law coming into effect, a period of adaptation and regulation begins, which will extend over the next two years, aiming for the full integration of its provisions into the Mozambican labor reality. 


This new law is a testament to Mozambique's commitment to updating and improving working conditions, reflecting the desires and needs of both employers and workers in the contemporary labor landscape.