Kidnapping of Businessman in Broad Daylight, Near Presidential Guard Quarters

Another businessman of Asian origin, known as Cláudio Dharmendra, was kidnapped yesterday morning outside his commercial establishment on Samuel da Bula Street. The incident took place in close proximity to the Military House, tasked with the security of Mozambique's President Filipe Nyusi, sparking concerns over safety in areas near high-security facilities.

Feb 13, 2024 - 16:03
Jun 5, 2024 - 11:50
Kidnapping of Businessman in Broad Daylight, Near Presidential Guard Quarters

Local sources report that the kidnapping occurred as Dharmendra was opening his business. He was followed by two men who coerced him into a vehicle that swiftly fled the scene. "As he was opening his shop, two men approached and pointed a gun at him. Without creating any disturbance, they took him to a vehicle parked nearly at the doorstep and later drove off in the opposite direction of the military quarters," shared a local resident who witnessed the crime. 

Eyewitnesses at the scene, including employees of the establishment, were intimidated by the kidnappers when they attempted to intervene. "I thought they were customers, but they were not (...) They took him, and he did not scream (...) ," explained a security guard at Dharmendra's shop, recounting how the abductors left the area with the victim, as reported by local media. 

The Mozambique Republic Police (PRM) has yet to issue a statement regarding the incident. This kidnapping marks the second such event recorded this year in the city of Maputo, within a total of three, although one attempt was unsuccessful. 

On January 20th, another businessman was abducted in the capital by an armed group. Two suspects have been detained in connection with the case, but the victim "remains in captivity," according to the latest updates from the police. 

The occurrence of this crime within meters of the quarters responsible for the president's security raises significant alarm, prompting urgent questions about the safety of residents and business owners in supposedly secure areas.