LAM Management Denies Funds Misappropriation Accusations Involving POS Systems

The saga concerning the mismanagement of Mozambique Airlines (LAM) is far from over, as the national flag carrier's management now refutes accusations of fund diversions, including illicit payments via POS systems installed at sales points, to the personal accounts of LAM management members.

Feb 16, 2024 - 17:53
Jun 4, 2024 - 16:38
LAM Management Denies Funds Misappropriation Accusations Involving POS Systems

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, signed by LAM's Director-General, João Pó Jorge, which had access to, LAM's management distances itself from the statements made by Fly Modern Ark (FMA), a South African company specializing in aircraft leasing and responsible for making the airline profitable and rescuing it from bankruptcy.

The letter was also sent to the President of the Board of the Institute for the Management and Participation in Companies, Ana Coanai, including the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

FMA's accusations were made during a press conference on Monday, February 12, by the project manager for the Restructuring of LAM, Sérgio Matos.

At the time, Matos highlighted a series of mismanagement issues detected by FMA, including fuel diversion causing losses for LAM of about $3.2 million, just in December last.

Regarding the POS systems, FMA claimed to have conducted a swift operation at 20 LAM ticket sales points, where it collected 81 POS systems.

Matos was surprised when he visited some sales points at the end of the day and found two POS systems that apparently no one could explain their origin.

Therefore, FMA collected such POS systems and alerted the authorities for further action.

"We reiterate that this information was not previously shared with LAM's general direction, which was taken by surprise when the information was broadcast by the media," reads the letter.

LAM expresses concern about the impact of the statements on the company's reputation, the workers, including on the recertification audits and the major clients to be conducted later this year.

The management states that the treasury management of LAM is exclusively under FMA's responsibility, and for all payments made by the company.

"We inform that LAM always adheres to the principle of legality, scrupulously observing the principle of the presumption of innocence, to ensure its legal security in all its actions," the source states.

LAM's top management affirms that it is willing to provide any clarifications the minister may need.

The contract LAM signed with FMA expires next April.