Mozambique elected to un security council

The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday elected Mozambique to the Security Council, as a non-permanent member.

Jun 10, 2022 - 21:29
Mozambique elected to un security council
The United Nations General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday elected Mozambique to the Security Council, as a non-permanent member.

Mozambique won 192 votes out of the 193 members of the UN. The 193rd member, Venezuela, was unable to vote since it is in arrears with its UN membership fees.

Mozambique’s vote was higher than that obtained by the other four successful candidates, representing other parts of the world. They were: Equador (190 votes), Switzerland (187), Malta (185), Japan (184).

That Mozambique would be elected was never in doubt, since there was no other candidate from Africa. But the margin of the victory was a triumph for Mozambican diplomacy. A team of seasoned Mozambican diplomats, including former Foreign Minister Leonardo Simao worked behind the scenes to maximise support.

Fears that Mozambique’s position of neutrality towards Russia’s war on Ukraine might damage its bid for a Security Council seat proved unfounded. Indeed both Ukraine and Russia must have voted for Mozambique.

All five permanent members of the Security Council (United States, China, Russia, France and the United Kingdom) voted for Mozambique.

One person delighted at the result was former Mozambican President Joaquim Chissano, who built up Mozambican diplomacy from scratch during his 11 years as the country’s first foreign minister (1975-1986). One of Chissano’s goals had always been to secure “more friends and fewer enemies”, and Thursday’s vote showed that this goal has certainly been achieved.

In his first reaction to the vote, Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi pledged that, during its two years as a member of the Security Council, Mozambique would do its utmost to prove “a constructive and effective partner in the construction of peace”.

“We shall be the voice of African countries who are seeking to build a peaceful and prosperous future for all”, said Nyusi.

Mozambique’s fundamental goals, he added, also included consolidating the respect the country enjoyed in the concert of nations, “and thus contribute to achieving the desired development of our country, heading towards peace and prosperity”.

“Mozambicans will spare no effort until this collective desire is fully attained”, Nyusi promised.

“Our country has a history, a record and an experience in defending measures to mitigate conflicts, and above all to promote negotiated solutions for peace. Our commitment remains unshakeable”, he declared.

Nyusi cited the 2019 general peace agreement which he had signed with Ossufo Momade, leader of the main opposition party, Renamo, as an example of how peace could be achieved through dialogue.

He pledged that Mozambique will also give priority to the menace posed by climate change instead of simply reacting to climate emergencies as they occur. “We shall work to affirm our capacity as a champion of disaster risk management”, he said, “in favour of vulnerable countries, particularly African countries who are facing growing insecurity and massive migration due to climatic impacts”.

Nyusi guaranteed that Mozambique remains committed to the protection and promotion of human rights. He believed that the work of the Security Council must take into consideration the principles of humanitarian action, including the need to alleviate suffering and save lives.