Nampula's Frelimo lead candidate sworn in amid strong opposition contestation

Luís Giquira, the newly elected Mayor of Nampula city, representing Frelimo, was sworn into office today amidst significant opposition protest following allegations of massive fraud that ousted Renamo from the municipality.

Feb 8, 2024 - 15:39
Jun 5, 2024 - 14:40
Nampula's Frelimo lead candidate sworn in amid strong opposition contestation

Paulo Vahanle, the previous mayor, criticized the electoral administration bodies and the judicial system yesterday, Wednesday, appealing not to be persecuted by justice after his term ended.


Vahanle, who underwent 30 days of house arrest and had his mandate suspended in Nampula's municipality due to accusations of leading violent protests against the electoral results, commented that the true will of the citizens expressed at the polls was disregarded, forcing him to leave power.


“At this moment, we ask the justice organs to leave us in peace, not to follow rumors, because during our mandate we were summoned to justice to respond to this and other matters. We, as the city of Nampula, did everything to showcase our work, which is why we achieved many accomplishments,” Vahanle stated during a press conference held at the official residence.


In today's ceremony, Florinda Mpatua from Frelimo is the new president of the Municipal Assembly of Nampula, northern Mozambique, having been elected with 30 votes in favor during the first extraordinary session of the body that took place today.


Her opponent, Alberto Bramugi from Renamo, received 23 votes.


This second act of the swearing-in ceremony of the municipal bodies, attended by 55 of the 56 members for the respective number of mandates of Nampula's municipality, recorded two blank votes.


The newly sworn-in Municipal Assembly consists of 56 members, with 30 from Frelimo, 24 from Renamo, and two from the Democratic Movement of Mozambique.