Nyusi promotes investment in Mozambique during India visit, sidesteps Boer Bean controversy

President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique embarked on a three-day working visit to India, where he encouraged Indian and international business leaders to invest in Mozambique, highlighting the country's vast economic potential. However, in a surprising move, he did not address the current debate surrounding the exportation of Boer beans to the Asian nation.

Jan 11, 2024 - 21:56
Nyusi promotes investment in Mozambique during India visit, sidesteps Boer Bean controversy

Both Indian and Mozambican observers anticipated that President Nyusi would clarify issues related to the exportation of this product directly from India. This topic has sparked considerable domestic debate due to its adverse impact on Mozambican exporters, who find themselves disadvantaged by the murky interests of cartels in this market.


Despite the significance of the issue, Nyusi made no mention of the Boer bean controversy, neither at the opening of the 10th Edition of the Gujarat Global Summit nor in private meetings with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His comments were solely focused on reinforcing international cooperation.


"To bolster international cooperation and forge productive partnerships that accelerate global economic growth and enhance the living conditions of our people, I invite Indian entrepreneurs and those from around the world present here to invest in Mozambique on a mutually beneficial basis," Nyusi stated in India.


He mentioned that Mozambique's investment legislation offers incentives to investors keen on producing goods and services in the country, creating job opportunities for young Mozambicans and contributing to the enhancement, industrialization, and modernization of the economy.


Nyusi emphasized that Mozambique is a country with untapped economic potential, boasting arable land, abundant rivers, and favorable conditions for mechanized agriculture, livestock, and fishing. He also highlighted vast reserves for the development of the extractive and manufacturing industries, including heavy sands and valuable minerals like precious stones, copper, iron, and graphite, as well as enormous potential for hydro, wind, and solar power production.


He stressed that international partnerships should focus on harmonious development and wealth creation for the welfare of the people. He assured that the Mozambican government is committed to securing an economically advantageous partnership for all involved, contributing to a more prosperous world for current and future generations. He also expressed hope that the Mozambican government and business sector would gain new insights into economic resilience and development at the Gujarat summit.