End of Calisto Cossa's term marked by questionable expenditure of 500 million: GCCC closes investigation due to lack of criminal evidence

The Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) has reportedly decided to close the investigation into an alleged fraudulent tender of 500 million meticais for the procurement of management software for the Municipal Council of Matola, citing a lack of criminal evidence.

Jan 11, 2024 - 22:24
End of Calisto Cossa's term marked by questionable expenditure of 500 million: GCCC closes investigation due to lack of criminal evidence

The Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) has reportedly decided to close the investigation into an alleged fraudulent tender of 500 million meticais for the procurement of management software for the Municipal Council of Matola, citing a lack of criminal evidence. According to information obtained by the Notícias newspaper, GCCC magistrates did not find criminal indications in the tender that resulted in the award of 518,503,427.42 meticais to the companies MCNET & AXIS SOLUTIONS for the supply of a municipal management computer system.


With this decision by the GCCC, the Matola municipality, led by Calisto Cossa, now has authorization to proceed with the "Conception, Development, and Operation of an Integrated Municipal Management System (SIGEM)" project, valued at 518,503,427.42 meticais.


Various civil society entities had called for an investigation and the subsequent annulment of the tender, alleging irregularities. Six months later, the GCCC has concluded that there is no evidence of criminal activity. However, Matola residents and society at large continue to question the relevance of this "SIGEM" project, especially in a municipality with pressing needs in healthcare, education, and infrastructure.


Currently, the municipality faces significant challenges, including inadequate drainage, low-quality electricity supply, and limited access to clean water, among other fundamental issues that place Matola among the municipalities in greatest need of essential interventions.


Several groups are questioning the allocation of 500 million meticais for this project, seeing it as an unnecessary reform, particularly considering that the award occurred near the end of Cossa's term.


There is also concern that the newly elected Mayor of Maputo, Júlio Paruque, may inherit a substantial debt that could hinder the start of his term.