Nyusi speaks with Zelenskyy

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi spoke by phone on Wednesday with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and expressed his solidarity for the loss of over 10,000 lives in the current Russian war on Ukraine.

Jul 8, 2022 - 16:05
Jul 11, 2022 - 16:29
Nyusi speaks with Zelenskyy

According to a statement on Nyusi’s Facebook page, Zelenskyy “informed me about the Russian military intervention in his country, and expressed an interest in explaining to African countries, in an appropriate forum, the security situation, and to speak about its economic and commercial aspects”.

Nyusi expressed solidarity for the losses suffered by Ukraine in human and material terms, and explained Mozambique’s abstention at the United Nations in votes on the conflict. Mozambican abstention, he claimed, flowed from the country’s Constitution and its foreign policy “which favour solving disputes by means of dialogue”

He added that he had once again “encouraged Ukraine and Russia to resume direct dialogue, and to seek a solution other than war. I reiterated the willingness of Mozambique to do all in its power to bring an end to the conflict between the two countries”.

Zelenskyy mentioned the phone call in his daily address to the Ukrainian nation, and said he had congratulated Nyusi on Mozambique’s election to the UN Security Council. “I believe that Africa should get more representation on international platforms and in solving global issues”, he said.

“It is the African countries that are now most threatened by the food crisis provoked by Russia, and we must do everything to force the terrorist state to unblock Ukrainian agricultural exports”, declared Zelenskyy.