Ossufo Momade Allegedly Clings to Power for Financial Gain

The non-governmental organization Centro de Integridade Pública (CIP) claims that Ossufo Momade, the leader of Mozambique's main opposition party, Renamo, is intent on maintaining his presidency.

Jan 9, 2024 - 19:06
Jun 18, 2024 - 15:49
Ossufo Momade Allegedly Clings to Power for Financial Gain

According to CIP, this is a strategic move to secure his candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic, thereby ensuring the continuation of the substantial financial benefits he receives under the status of Leader of the Second Most Voted Party with Parliamentary Seats.

The CIP reports that between 2021 and 2022, Momade received over 100 million Mozambican meticais. He has a monthly salary exceeding 200,000 meticais, along with numerous privileges.

“Between 2021 and 2022, Ossufo Momade and his office received more than 100 million meticais, transferred from state funds. These perks reportedly justify the harsh reaction from Renamo's radical wing against the intentions of Venâncio Mondlane and Manuel de Araújo to run for the party's presidency,” states the CIP publication.

Last week, Renamo's spokesperson José Manteigas declared Momade as the only suitable Renamo candidate for the Presidential election, effectively barring other candidacies, a move seen as a clear violation of Renamo's statutes.

The CIP suggests that Momade and his close allies within the party are determined to renew his presidency, and thus his natural candidacy in this year's elections, to maintain the privileges that Afonso Dhlakama, Renamo's former leader, reportedly avoided from 2015 until his death. 

“In 2022 alone, Ossufo Momade's office received 68 million meticais, equivalent to 1 million dollars. Out of the total budget of 112.3 million meticais (about 1.8 million dollars) for the two years, 70.8 million were allocated for goods and services, and the remaining 41.5 million were spent on personnel (salaries and perks),” notes CIP.


In addition to the millions, Momade is entitled to a salary, representation expenses, updated monthly allowances, and privileges associated with his status; state transportation; vehicle acquisition; diplomatic passport for himself, his spouse, and minor or disabled children; a special security regime to safeguard his physical integrity. He also has the right to first-class travel and a reintegration subsidy. 

Under the statute, Momade is in the third highest salary category of the State. As Renamo's president, he is placed in the highest third salary category in the state structure, with a base salary of 174.9 thousand meticais (category 21A+66%). To this, 26 thousand MT is added as a representation subsidy, 15% of the base salary, totaling a monthly remuneration of 200 thousand meticais.

As Renamo's president, Momade also holds a position on the State Council. “Losing the presidency of Renamo means more than losing power. It also means losing a host of privileges and the management of millions allocated by the State to the office of the second-largest party,” concludes CIP.