Rainy season: Over 170 roads at risk of flooding across Mozambique

The National Roads Administration (ANE) of Mozambique has identified 175 roads at risk of flooding during the current rainy and cyclone season, according to its contingency plan that also outlines some alternative routes.

Jan 17, 2024 - 18:20
Jun 18, 2024 - 13:45
Rainy season: Over 170 roads at risk of flooding across Mozambique

The ANE warns that due to clear indicators of flood threats and potential damage to road infrastructures in the classified road network, extreme preventive measures may be considered. This could include the closure of roads to vehicle traffic, as many areas might become inaccessible.

The plan, prepared to address potential damages from the rainy and cyclonic season, maps critical access roads, indicating possible damages and alternative routes in some cases, for systematic monitoring.

In this survey, Sofala province has 32 roads at risk of different types, followed by Nampula (31), Zambézia (27), Manica (17), Niassa (14), Inhambane (14), Maputo (12), Cabo Delgado (ten), Gaza (ten), and Tete (eight).

The ANE's contingency plan covers roads in the national classified road network, especially in provinces where increased precipitation influenced by the El Niño phenomenon is expected.

To mitigate the adverse impacts, ANE appeals to citizens and motorists to adhere to the plan when making necessary trips for passenger and cargo transportation on the indicated roads and during the specified periods.