Terrorists attack macomia village, destroy 12 houses

Islamist terrorists on Thursday attacked the village of Nkoe, in Macomia district, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, reports Friday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Carta de Mocambique”.

Jun 27, 2022 - 16:24
Terrorists attack macomia village, destroy 12 houses
Distrito de Macomia

Islamist terrorists on Thursday attacked the village of Nkoe, in Macomia district, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, reports Friday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Carta de Mocambique”.

This village was sheltering hundreds of displaced people who had fled from terrorist raids in the neighbouring district of Ancuabe. Jihadist attacks in Ancuabe began on 5 June.

In Thursday’s raid, the bandits burnt down 12 houses, but there were no reports of any deaths. One villager recalled “first they came in shooting and the population fled into the bush, and now, as we are speaking, they are setting houses on fire”.

A military source said that intervention by the defence and security forces and by local militia drove the jihadists out of Nkoe later in the day. However, frightened villagers were seen fleeing from Nkoe, heading towards the provincial capital, Pemba.

Further north, in Nangade district, a group of terrorists fell into an ambush set by the militia last Sunday in the Ntamba administrative post. Seven jihadists were killed in this incident, but others escaped. The militia recovered some of the property stolen from local people.

On Monday, “Carta de Mocambique” reported, terrorists attacked Rovuma village, also in Nangade, killing one person and burning down several houses.