Structuring projects dynamise rapid industrialisation

Mozambican Prime Minister Adriano Maleiane declared on Friday he is convinced that the structuring projects, above all in energy and infrastructure, currently under way in Mozambique, are a dynamising factor for the rapid industrialisation of the country and the continent.

Nov 28, 2022 - 18:34
Structuring projects dynamise rapid industrialisation
Mozambican Prime Minister Adriano Maleiane

Speaking at a press conference in Niamey, at the end of his participation in the Extraordinary Summit of the African Union on Industrialisation and Economic Diversification, Maleiane said that Mozambique possesses specific structural progammes in energy, infrastuctures and tourism.

“Without energy, it does not make much sense to speak about industrialisation, and likewise without infrastructures”, said Maleiane, explaining that, during the summit, themes such as energy and infrastructures merited attention in the debates, given their structural role in the implementation of industrialization projects.

As examples, he cited the Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (ZEPA), in the Pemba-Lichinga Corridor, in the northern provinces of Cabo Delgado and Niassa, and the “Industrialise Mozambique National Programme” (PRONAI) as initiatives that will certainly speed up the industrialization of the country.

As for the Agreement on the Continental Free Trade Area, which was the subject of a special session of the heads of state and government also held on Friday, Maleiane argued that the component of infrastructures was crucial for implementing the agreement, since they will facilitate trade between African countries.

He said, for example, that, with the rehabilitation of the entire length of Mozambique’s main north-south highway (EN1), it will be possible to link Tanzania, at its northern end, with countries further south that will facilitate implementation of the agreement.

Maleiane claimed that the session on the Free Trade Area was very important because there were still many legal instruments to be adopted to make the agreement fully operational.

The Prime Minister, who was representing President Filipe Nyusi, expressed his conviction that “We have attained the objectives for which Mozambique took part in the event”.