Terrorists killed and captured in nangade town

On Tuesday morning a group of islamist terrorists attacked the town of Nangade in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, but were all killed or captured by the Mozambican defence forces and their allies from SAMIM (SADC Mission in Mozambique).

Jul 28, 2022 - 15:48
Terrorists killed and captured in nangade town
terrorists attacked

According to a report in Wednesday’s issue of the independent newssheet “Mediafax”, the terrorists attacked Chitunda, an outlying neighbourhood of Nangade town at about 09.00. This was the first time the town had come under attack, and the first time any district capital had been attacked since troops from SAMIM and Rwanda entered the conflict.

The jihadists entered Chitunda firing off their weapons. They murdered three people, while many others fled into the bush. They burnt down about 20 houses, and looted property.

According to the “Mediafax” sources, there were just seven people in the terrorist group, only three of whom were armed. The unit of the Mozambican defence and security forces stationed in the town, supported by SAMIM troops from Lesotho, reacted quickly, killing two of the raiders and capturing the other five.

Earlier in the day, the group had been spotted in fields in the area of Nakaindili, about three kilometres from the town. Here one of the terrorists was captured and told the authorities that the other seven were on their way to the town.

“Mediafax” also reported that the Tanzanian contingent of SAMIM has, in recent days, captured 95 youths on their way to terrorist bases. Most of them were captured, not inside Mozambique, but in Mahea village in the southern Tanzanian province of Mtwara.

Some of the youths had taken refuge in the Mahea mosque. Three children who had been out catching birds spotted the movements of the would-be terrorist recruits near the border and tipped off the authorities.