Venâncio Mondlane alleges retaliation by Ossufo Momade after announcing Renamo presidency bid

Venâncio Mondlane has accused the leadership of Renamo, Mozambique's main opposition party, of retaliation and attempts to demoralize him following his recent dismissal from his roles within the party.

Jan 22, 2024 - 16:48
Jun 14, 2024 - 11:55
Venâncio Mondlane alleges retaliation by Ossufo Momade after announcing Renamo presidency bid

This came after Mondlane announced his candidacy for the leadership of Renamo. He was removed from his positions as the parliamentary bench rapporteur of Renamo in the Assembly of the Republic and as a national advisor to the party's president, Ossufo Momade.

"The dismissal as an advisor, I think, is legitimate since being a potential contender for the presidency of RENAMO could create a conflict of interest. Regarding the role of bench rapporteur, it is clearly retaliation to demoralize and psychologically defeat me. But I am firm, convinced, and unbreakable," Mondlane stated to Lusa news agency.

Mondlane sees these actions as further motivation, strengthening his belief that his fight is just and must continue. 

In October, Mondlane ran in the local elections in Maputo for Renamo and led about 50 protests with thousands of people against the official electoral results, which declared Frelimo the winner. These results were rejected by the opposition and Mondlane.

Ossufo Momade, whose mandate expired on January 17, has led Renamo since 2018 following the death of Afonso Dhlakama. Earlier this month, Renamo's spokesperson José Manteigas pointed to Momade as the candidate in the October general elections for the position of President of the Republic.