Bad weather forces flight route deviation

An aircraft of Mozambican Airlines (LAM) was forced to re-route due to poor visibility registered on Tuesday morning at Maputo International Airport.

Jul 21, 2022 - 19:08
Bad weather forces flight route deviation

The flight in case is a Boeing 727 which was flying from the northern city of Nampula to Maputo, where the weather made landing impossible.

“After verification of the bad weather at Maputo International Airport, where it should have landed, the airplane diverted to Beira Airport, but here too the bad weather did not allow landing” explained LAM, in a Tuesday press release.

The note also states that “due to these weather adversities, the crew decided on another alternative, in this case Chimoio Airport (in Manica province), where the landing was successful and safe.”

Arrangements were made for the flight from Chimoio to Maputo. “The operation will take place soon after the plane has been refueled”, said LAM.

Due to local limitations, indicated the company, the jet fuel is being transported from the port of Beira to Chimoio.

As a result of the situation, and while the aircraft remains grounded in Chimoio, some of the company's flights are being rescheduled.