Nyusi inaugurates electrification of Macuse

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Wednesday inaugurated the connection to the national electricity grid of the Macuse administrative post in Namacurra district, in the central province of Zambezia.

Jul 28, 2022 - 15:33
Jul 28, 2022 - 16:30
Nyusi inaugurates electrification of Macuse
Torres da EDM

The electrification of Macuse cost the Mozambican state 124 million meticais (about 1.9 million US dollars, at the current exchange rate). The main work was the construction of a medium voltage transmission line between Namacurra town and Macuse, a distance of 50 kilometres.

The project envisages 2,000 connections to the grid of Macuse homes, companies and other social and economic undertakings. So far 800 connections have been made.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Nyusi stressed that electrification is one of his government’s top priorities. He reiterated the government’s commitment to ensure “electricity for all” by 2030.

“Our operational slogan is electricity for all”, he declared, recalling that in his first term of office (2015-2019) the government completed the electrification of all district capitals. Now it was electrifying the administrative posts “as part of our agenda for the economic transformation of the country in this cycle of governance”.

Electrification, he said, is a requirement imposed by industrialization, population growth and urbanization. This year, Nyusi added, electricity coverage should reach 52 per cent of the population, compared with 44 per cent in 2021.

Macuse is regarded as a strategic area for economic development, and there are grandiose plans for a deep water port here, and a new railway linking the port to the Moatize coal basin in Tete province.

The project was supposed to be launched in 2021, but nothing has happened so far, supposedly because of the need for “restructuring”. Macuse port was initially designed to transport coal, in the days when it was imagined that Mozambique would export 100 million tonnes or more of coal a year, a forecast that now seems unrealistic.

Nyusi said that, with electricity now available, other investments can be promoted in Macuse, in agriculture, tourism, fisheries and agro-processing, that would bring “positive changes to the life of the population”.

He called for diversification of production, which would help meet the rising cost of living.

He also warned against the vandalization of electrical equipment, often done by criminals stealing copper and aluminium.

Clandestine connections to the grid should also be denounced to the authorities, Nyusi urged. “You don’t need clandestine connections”, he said, “since connection to the grid is now free of charge. There’s capacity for everyone”.

Later in the day, Nyusi inaugurated the electrification of the Namanjavira administrative post, in Mocuba district, and a complex of silos and warehouses to store agricultural produce in Milange, on the border with Malawi.